Emily is a 6 year old female who was returned to MPR because the home she was adopted to was unable to care for her along with their 2 cats and another dog. She is very sweet and gets along with other animals. She takes some time to warm up to people. She has been spayed, vaccinated against Rabies, Distemper, Corona, Bordetella, fecal and heartworm tested and had her teeth cleaned and extractions done where needed. While living with her previous adopters she was allowed to gain a substantial amount of weight. She has been placed on a diet to regain her girlish figure. Prior to coming to MPR she had several litters. Emily was adopted on january 27, 2008 to a senior couple who will give her a life with love. If you are interested in adopting Emily or any of the Pugs currently residing with Michigan Pug Rescue, please go to our web site, michiganpugrescue.com and go to the Adoption information section where you will find the necessary forms to download to begin the adoption process.