Last Updated: 3/26/2025 8:49 PM |
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Animal Success Stories
Did you adopt your Pug from Pug Luv? Why not have your story and a photo on this page. Send the story and a recent photo to us so you can brag about your Pug.
© Copyright 2018 Michigan Pug Rescue, Pug Luv. All Rights Reserved.
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Emma just wanted to say hello! We celebrated her 8th birthday today with a homemade pup cake! Sheâs likely a little more gray now than when you all had her, but she is still just as high energy, curious, food motivated and nervous in the car as she always has been!
Pearl started out life as a puppy mill breeder female. She and many other pugs lived in cages only with no social interaction or life skills of any kind. Michigan Pug Rescue rescued Pearl and several other pugs from a puppy mill out of state. Pearl and another female, Hazel, went to live in a foster home with Susan, one of our long-time fosters. Pearl and Hazel didn't know how to do so many simple things, including walking down curbs or steps. Every day was an experience for them to learn to live in a house.
Susan adopted Pearl in November 2015 and Hazel in 2016. Pearl adapted so well to regular home life and to being with people that in April 2016, Pearl passed the Alliance of Therapy Dogs tests and became a certified therapy dog. She started visiting staff, patients and visitors regularly at Henry Ford Hospital West Bloomfield and Beaumont Farmington Hospital , participated in readings to dogs programs at both the West Bloomfield and Farmington libraries, going to different long-term and assisted living facilities and attending special events. Even with Covid, she is doing Zoom visits online through different programs and is back at one of the hospitals, though not visiting patients.
Pearl the Pug, as she is known, reached a major milestone in April 2021. She earned the American Kennel Club title of Therapy Dog Distinguished for completing 400 certified therapy dog visits. She received a medal, patches and a certificate from AKC for this accomplishment.
Pearl epitomizes how love and patience can help a rescued dog reach its full potential once it adapts to its new home and becomes a happy pup Pearl is blind and has accomplished this. Congratulations, Pearl!
Its been two months since I was lucky enough to bring Ziggy, now Digham home..What a great little guy!! He is such a smart boyâwe enjoy going for walks, play time, eating (of course), daily car rides, visiting Diggyâs pals at the local pet store and showing off all of his talents! He is so sweet, Dig loves everyone and everyone loves Dig. I have certainly taught him, and brought him along but I have definitely learned from Digham as well!! Iâm sure we have a lot of adventures in front of us, and Digham, Iâm glad they will be with you!!
We rescued Otis in 2009 when he was nine months old, he will be turning 13 YEARS old this May! Besides going a little grey and some diminishing eyesight, he is in great condition and has never had any health problems. Over the years he has road tripped to Niagara Falls in Canada, Atlanta, New Orleans, Key West (where he chased chickens), and several visits to the Upper Peninsula. He has enjoyed being an only dog and is extra happy to have me on furlough this year! He has brought so much happiness to me and my husband Kris over these past years, we are so grateful to MPR for trusting us with his care.
Here he is, doing what he does best: being cute and cozy!
Thanks to all the volunteers who made our family complete!
We hope all is well with you and the pugs! Mr. Magoo is around 13 and still going strong. Now that he's been a part of the family for over 2 years, he's really adjusted well to living in CO. He's like a new dog compared to the day we rescued him! I'm sure his age has something to do with his it, but he really just likes to lay in blankets all day long on his dog bed. Unless it's time to eat...then he comes running like a puppy. Heather & I mostly work from home, so I'm sure he really enjoys the fact that we're around most of the day.
I've included a photo that we just took over Thanksgiving when it was pretty cold out (he's wearing a faux fur coat to keep warm because he's very spoiled!).
Heather, Scot and Mr. Magoo
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