Welcome to "Pug Luv"

Michigan Pug Rescue
"Pug Luv"
the one with the heart

Pages of Interest

Last Updated:
3/26/2025 8:49 PM



Frequently Asked Questions about Adoptions

Q:  Who is Michigan Pug Rescue, "Pug Luv"?

A:  Michigan Pug Rescue, Pug Luv: was founded in April, 2000.  Do not mistake this organization with any other Pug rescue.  Other Pug rescue organizations represent themselves to be Michigan Pug Rescue because they are a Pug rescue and are located in the state of Michigan.  Michigan Pug Rescue, "Pug Luv" is the Pug rescue with the heart.  Look for our logo to know you are dealing with the real Michigan Pug Rescue.   

Log medium

Q:  Are all Pug Rescues in Michigan the same?

A:  Michigan Pug Rescue, "Pug Luv" is entering its 21st year.  We strive to get each Pug that comes into the program into its forever home as rapidly as possible.  Our philosphy is not to allow a Pug that is in foster care to be there any longer than necessary.  We believe in each Pug should be placed in their "forever home" so they may begin to bond with their new family and not with the foster family.

Q:   Can I come see the Pugs before I complete my application?

A:   We do not have a brick and mortar building where the Pugs are housed.  Each of our PUGS are in a foster home, generally with other Pugs where they are evaluated to determine the best type of home that they should be placed in.  We respect the privacy of our foster homes and do not allow prospective adopters to visit their homes.

Q:  Can I come to an event, bring my application and adopt a Pug at that event?

A:  There are no on site adoptions.  All applicants must have an approved application for adoption, approved Veterinary records, a commitment to adopt a particular Pug, and a home visit prior to adoption.
Q:   Can I take the Pug I want to adopt home for a trial basis?

A:   No, we believe that both our screening process of applicants and theinteraction of the Pug and prospective adopters is sufficient to determine if the adoption will work.

Q:  Can I foster a Pug and if it works out adopt that Pug?

A:  If you wish to become a foster family, the Pug that is being fostered cannot be adopted by the foster family for a minimum of six months.  A foster family can adopt a Pug that they are not fostering.

Q:   How long does the application process take?

A:   The process is shortened by the effort you place in making your application.  Answering all questions and answering them completely results in MPR being able to make a decision on your application without the need to request clarification of your answers.  Consistent communication with your Veterinarian (by telephone) to be sure the complete records are sent as promptly as possible.  

Q:    When will I know the status of my application?

A:    You will be notified in writing by mail if we have further questions about your application. We will also let you know by mail whether your application has been approved or denied.  We attempt to process all applications within a week and issue a response.  There are times when the process may take longer if the Adoption Committee is engaged in events.

Q:  What is the process once my application is approved?

A:  Once the Adoption Committee approves the application and Veterinary records, an e-mail and letter is sent to the applicant informing them of the approval.  The next step in the process is for the entire family including any current dogs to interact and for the family to determine which of the available Pugs they want to commit to adopting.  Once the commitment has been made and that commitment has been stated to a designated member of the organization, the Pug committed to will be considered as an adoption pending. A home visit will be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time when the Volunteer and the entire family are available.  The representative of the organization will report to the Adoption Committee their findings on home visit and a final determination about the adoption will be made.  This generally occurs within 24 hours of the home visit.  Upon final approval the family is contacted to arrange for the adoption to take place.  All members  of the family including any current dogs are required to be at the adoption.

Q:   Does the Pug I plan to adopt come when the home visit is conducted?

A:   No, the volunteer that conducts the home visit is not necessarily the person who is fostering the Pug.   

Q:   What happens if the pug I was applying for has already been adopted?

A:    If approved, you will be able to commit to adopt any Pug that does not have an adoption pending or be placed on our waiting list. When a Pug enters the program you will receive an e-mail.

Q:   How much are the adoption fees?

A:   The adoption fees range from $200-600 based on the age and health of each Pug.

Q:  Why is the cost to adopt so much?

A:  Every Pug that comes into the rescue is examined by our Veterinarian.  Rabies, Distemper, Corona and Bordetella vaccines are brought up to date where necessary.  Pugs that have not been spayed or neutered are.  If it is determined by the vet that dental services are required they are performed.  Each Pug has a blood test.  Fecal test for worms and heartworm testing is done.  Every Pug that has not been micro-chipped previously, is.  Any other medical issues such as removal of tumors, biopsies, treatment of ear infections etc are also treated.  Although some of the Pugs that come into the rescue do not need all of the treatments described above, there are others that require extensive treatment.  If you have ever owned an animal you are certainly aware of the costs associated with these services.  In order for the rescue to continue the work we do, our adoption donations and fund raising efforts must cover these costs. Ongoing and careful analysis of these costs are done to keep the adoption donations as low as possible while providing the care each Pug needs.

Q:  Do you adopt outside of the State of Michigan or Canada?

A:  As part of our adoption process a home visit is conducted.  As long as we are able to arrange to have a home visit done and all other requirements are met, including the family and current dogs coming to Michigan for the pre-adoption meeting committing to adopt a particular Pug and returning to Michigan once a sucessful home visit has been done to adopt the Pug, we will adopt out of state or Canada.  Pugs cannot be flown in a cargo area.  If you are using airlines to commute to and from Michigan to adopt your Pug, the Pug must be transported either under the seat or a ticket must be purcahsed for the Pug to ride in the passenger compartment.  We do not transport our Pugs!

Q:  Are all of the Pugs that are available for adoptionat each Meet and Greet?

A:  Michigan Pug Rescue members are all volunteers.  We attempt to have as many of the available Pugs at each event as possible.  Volunteers first responsibility is to their job and family and do not always allow them to be at each event.  Wherever possible, a volunteer will pick up a Pug when a foster family is unable to attend.  The Pugs that are attending each event are listed on the web site.

Q: What happens if for some reason I am no longer able to keep my Pug? 

A:  As part of the adoption contract that is signed, the Pug must be returned to “Pug Luv”.  The Pug cannot be given to anyone, sold or given away.  The adopted Pug must reside with the person or persons that signed the Adoption Agreement.

Q: Am I required to notify “Pug Luv” of any change in address, telephone  number or e-mail address?

A:  Any change in contact information or the status of the Pug must be reported to “Pug Luv”.  This includes address, telephone, or e-mail address.  If the Pug is lost or passes away, “Pug Luv” must be notified.

Q.  If I have questions about any of the Pugs on the web site, the status of my application or I have responded to questions that were asked about my application, who do I call?

A:  Because everyone in the organization is an unpaid volunteer.  They have families, jobs, responsibilities that include transporting Pugs to and from Veterinary appointments and events, maintaining the “Pug Luv” web site in addition to various other web sites that present the adoptable Pugs. they participate in fund raising events to support the costs of Veterinary   care of the Pugs we are unable to return individual telephone calls other than those related to surrendering a Pug.  A Meet and Greet is held on the 2nd Saturday and 4th Sunday of each month where questions can be answered in person.  The events are listed under the Events tab on the     home page of the web site.

Q. Once I have adopted my Pug, can I give the Pug to a family member, friend a person of my choice or sell the Pug to someone?

A:  The Adoption contract that is signed does not permit the Pug to be      transferred or sold to anyone who is not a party to the adoption contract.  The Pug must be returned to Michigan Pug Rescue, “Pug Luv” under the    terms of the Adoption contract if the parties to the contract are not able to keep the Pug for any reason. 

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