Welcome to "Pug Luv"

Michigan Pug Rescue
"Pug Luv"
the one with the heart

Pages of Interest

Last Updated:
3/26/2025 8:49 PM


  Donation Information


With your continued support we will be able to continue the rescue efforts. 

None of the volunteers of the organization receive compensation for their efforts.   All members donate their time, effort, and skills for the love of the Pug breed.

MPR is a registered Non-profit Corporation in the State of Michigan, as well as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501C3 Nonprofit corporation tax id# 38-3530377.  We ask for your support in our cause by either making a tax-deductible donation, sponsoring a Pug or providing supplies.


You may make a tax-deductible donation by making a donation through paypal or by mailing a check or money order to the address below:


Michigan Pug Rescue, "Pug Luv"
23927 Wesley
Farmington, MI  48335





 Please visit our Fundraising Page for even more ways to help!


Lower Your Taxes:
Michigan Pug Rescue is now one of the charitable organizations participating in the Charity Motors Car Donation Program.  People can donate a car they no longer want/need, receive a tax deduction, and designate Michigan Pug Rescue to receive the proceeds from the sale of their car.  If you are interested in participating in this program, please call Charity Motors at 313-255-1100 and designate Michigan Pug Rescue as your charity. Thank You!
We are registered with Mission Fish, a way to fund raise with Ebay Giving Works.  Please visit our EBay store at KKGinter1419 and check out our pet items.  100% of all pet product proceeds are donated to Michigan Pug Rescue.

Items We Can Always Use:

  • monetary  donations to assist with Veterinary bills


© Copyright 2021 Michigan Pug Rescue, Pug Luv. All Rights Reserved.

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