Welcome to "Pug Luv"

Michigan Pug Rescue
"Pug Luv"
the one with the heart

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Last Updated:
3/3/2025 12:18 PM


Teddy's Web Page

Pug  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Baby  : :  Small

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About Teddy

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog

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I am one of 3 of Dee Dee's puppies. I arrived on THE PUG CHUG a CHOO-CHOO on December 14, 2008 along with my mom, 16 other puppies and 2 other moms. I am now available for adoption. I have received my first set of puppy shots and deworming. If you are interested in adopting me or any of the Pugs currently residing with Michigan Pug Rescue, please go to our web site, michiganpugrescue.com and go to the Adoption info section where you will find the necessary forms to download to begin the adoption process. I went to my forever home on 1/25/09 where my parents think they will manage me. All I need to do is look at them in my sad puppy eyes and I will be able to do as I want.

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