I am a nineteen month old male Pug. I was brought to MPR by my owner because they said they could not housebreak me. Frankly I do not think they knew what to do about house training. I am a loving boy who likes children and I am good with other dogs as well as cats. When I cam to MPR I was not neutered and had not had any vaccines or testing since I was purchased from the pet store in August, 2007. I have now been neutered, tested for heartworm and fecal tested, vaccinated for Rabies, Distemper, Corona, and Bordetella. While I am under the anesthetic the MPR vet said my teeth needed some attention also. My foster family is working with me to teach me about going outside to go potty and some of the other things that a good pet should be doing. Rocko was adopted on 3/17/10 and now has a Pug brother to play with. If you are interested in adopting me or any of the Pugs currently residing with Michigan Pug Rescue, please go to our web site, michiganpugrescue.com and go to the Adoption info section where you will find the necessary forms to download to begin the adoption process.
Other Pictures of Rocko (click to see larger version):