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Michigan Pug Rescue
"Pug Luv"
the one with the heart

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Last Updated:
3/26/2025 8:49 PM


Animal Success Stories
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Henry Jo

Here is a recent picture of Henry Pug, who we adopted 4 years ago. We chose him for his personality. When we first met, Henry was upside down in Larry's arms at a meet and greet...since we were looking for a lap dog, he seemed to fit the bill pretty well. We were actually surprised when we picked Henry up a few days later to realize how handsome he is! So here's Henry Pug, lying in the sun like he loves to do, and being gorgeous. He's a great guy, and we love him very much! Julie Larson & Dee Hurlbert


Meet Harold, we rescued him in October of 2010. For nearly twenty years I longed for a Pug. Something about this adorable breed beckoned me. I never had the privilege of seeing the breed up close let alone petting one but every time I saw someone walking their Pug, or spied a greeting card with that irresistible mug, or saw one on television, my heart leapt and I was hooked. Now that my family has matured to three school age children, my husband and I agreed it was finally time for a pet, a dog...a Pug. Okay, I admit I tipped the scale for a Pug, my husband was never particularly attached to the breed but he was not attached to any breed in particular so a Pug it had to be. I was conflicted about how to acquire our new pet. You hear so many negatives about puppy mills, pet stores, even breeders, it's hard to know where to look. I knew I did not want a puppy. This being the first dog I've ever owned, I wanted a calm lap dog, something my children could be comfortable with. I called my local animal shelter and humane society, neither of which had any Pugs, then I searched online, I came across many breeders and ‘dog for sale’ ads but nothing felt right. I happened upon the Michigan Pug Rescue site, scrolled through the available Pugs and saw Harold. He had the most adorable face with those big sad eyes and what seemed to be a sweet playful demeanor. I cannot tell you how many times I visited his bio and pictures over the long weekend but I knew immediately he was meant to be with our family. I knew I was in love with him because I did not sleep for four days. I was in a panic that he would be adopted before I could even fill out the application. I spent the entire weekend researching vets, pet food, supplies, medical conditions that are common to the breed and anything else that I came across. On Monday I mailed my application to adopt Harold, and then I waited. Tuesday I received a phone call from Larry with the rescue. He thinks Harold would be perfect for us, when can we do a home visit? How about tomorrow? Tomorrow sounded great! That was it, Thursday I saw his picture, Wednesday he was ours. I was able to touch a Pug for the first time on that Wednesday and I've been petting him ridiculously ever since. Harold is playful and likes to chase tennis balls all day, he also enjoys a little ‘Harold in the middle’ and tug of war. He is especially attached to me and never allows me to leave his sight for long. He spends evenings as a lap dog enjoying a belly scratch, grooming, and continuous petting. At night he sleeps with the children alternating from one to the next and occasionally naps with me. He is a very caring and loyal dog. He never fails to be excited when my husband arrives home from work and stays faithfully by my side when I am ill, even forsaking meals. He is trustworthy and has proven as much therefore is always free to roam anywhere in the house or yard even when we are away. Harold is a terrific little companion with a lovable personality. He is sweet and patient with our three children, loyal and playful with me and my husband, very cooperative at the Vet’s office, and respectful of visitors. He receives the best possible care both at home and from Vet’s office. I do not know the extent of Harold’s life before Michigan Pug Rescue but I promise he has the good life now and can expect to be spoiled ridiculous for the rest of it. I wish anyone reading this story who already enjoys the love and companionship of a Pug or someone who is thinking about adopting from Michigan Pug Rescue, all the best. If you experience half of the joy Harold has brought to me and my family, you will be very happy. Thank you to the Michigan Pug Rescue! The Baker Family

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